
17 May 2024

Celebrating our School Values: A day of fun and learning

Each Summer Term, pupils and staff from the Prep and Senior Schools come together to reflect on and celebrate the eight core values – Ambition, Excellence, Community, Creativity, Enquiry, Heritage, Innovation and Resolve – that define our School.
This year, on Friday 10 May, everyone from the Little Lyons to Sixth Form came together for a special Values-themed event, putting them into practice through a series of engaging and fun activities.
At Sudbury Fields, pupils enjoyed several sports including netball, football, sports conditioning, as well as a military-style obstacle course, where resolve and ambition came into play as they pushed themselves physically and mentally in a spirit of teamwork and determination.
Back at the Senior and Prep School campuses, innovation, heritage, excellence, creativity, and enquiry were at the forefront of activities, as pupils enjoyed interactive drama and music sessions and collaborated on STEAM and science activities, designing and experimenting with various structures. The Prep School also featured cooking and art activities, highlighting creativity and practical skills.
Opportunities like these are a great way to reinforce our Values, and the afternoon proved to be a great experience for all involved. It was wonderful to see pupils interacting and learning with peers from different year groups across the School, as the event not only celebrated our Values but also served to strengthen the bonds within our School community, fostering an environment of mutual respect and shared goals.