School Uniform

School Uniform

The School has a formal uniform which should be correctly worn both in School and on the journey to and from School. Pupils must conform to the dress and appearance regulations at all times of the School day and on all School occasions/trips/fixtures unless alternative instructions are given by a member of staff. Very expensive items of clothing should be avoided.

  • Click here for the School’s uniform list

The Senior School’s Games and PE Kit is supplied by Grays Teamsports and can be purchased online here. In conjunction with Grays Teamsports, we are delighted to offer the following discount codes:
A_JOHNLYON20 for a 20% discount on all Grays Teamsports equipment.
A_EARLYBIRD-24-10 for a 10% discount on all Grays Teamsports clothing.

Sixth Form Uniform

Members of the Sixth Form should be formally dressed. The style and colour of clothing should be consistent with a formal working environment. Final judgment of acceptability of any aspect of Dress/Personal Appearance rests with the Head of Sixth Form.

Details of dress and Personal Appearance:

– Dark two or three-piece business suit.
– Formal, plain long-sleeved pale shirt and tie.
– Dark, formal leather shoes and dark socks.
– A plain, dark, sober waistcoat or V-Neck pullover may be worn in cold weather.
– Overcoats or other outdoor wear must be dark and plain and not worn in and around school during normal school day.
– Sixth Formers must be clean-shaven (unless the Head of Sixth Form or Head of Year has been notified by a parent that a beard is to be worn on religious grounds.
– No earrings or ear studs are permitted in any circumstances.
– Sixth Formers in school teams will be expected to wear the appropriate school kit for that sport, as directed by sports staff.
– Sixth Formers who participate in games and on-site activities will be expected to wear School P.E. Kit our Outdoor Games Kit, as appropriate.