11 October 2024
John Lyon recognised as Microsoft Showcase School for third consecutive year
“Showcase Schools create pupil-centred, immersive, and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so pupils are empowered to achieve more.”
MicrosoftWe are thrilled to be recognised as a Microsoft Showcase School for the third year running. Following an application to Microsoft led by Mr Carr, Head of Digital Learning and Teacher of Chemistry, to demonstrate our digital development, we received news that we had yet again joined a small number of UK schools and colleges to be recognised for our work.
This prestigious award makes John Lyon pupils and staff digital leaders and, we benefit from a vibrant global learning community of schools that share the same goal. We are internationally recognised for our efforts and remain keen to strive for further excellence in this field.
John Lyon demonstrated its commitment to integrating digital technologies into common teaching routines. The School provides a platform for pupils to learn vital skills for the workplace of tomorrow by creating intelligent learning environments and developing digital social-emotional learning.
Staff are trained to use the latest digital tools to enhance pupil learning, with a number of our teachers officially recognised as Microsoft Innovative Education Experts (MIEE). Learning is facilitated by our School Managed Device (SMD), where all pupils have a device that can be used in all lessons where appropriate to increase accessibility to the learning material and help provide targeted settings for pupils to flourish. Personalised learning through SMDs is achieved through OneNote.
Through our bespoke KS3 Digital Learning Curriculum, pupils develop their coding skills in Python and basic programming through Microsoft Kodu Game design and Micro:Bit, meeting Microsoft’s criteria to develop ‘future-ready’ skills. Pupils also have the chance to develop their animation skills through PIVOT and the Abode suite of applications. Robotics is a critical part of our strategy, with pupils regularly participating at the VEX IQ national championships – an excellent reward for all the hard work and hours our pupils put into their passion projects.
John Lyon embraces new innovations that are released to the public. We are excited by the benefits AI could bring to the education sector while being mindful of the challenges it poses. We look forward to celebrating our pupil’s achievements in the digital space over the academic year.