John Lyon has a rich history and tradition dating back to 1876. We are very proud of our heritage, seeking to use it as a platform for ongoing growth and development. As an independent school, we are entirely reliant on fees and donations to deliver outstanding academic and pastoral education. 

To ensure current and future pupils leave John Lyon with the maximum benefit from the nurturing, rounded and high-quality education that previous generations have enjoyed, the Lyonian Association encourages all Old Lyonians, parents/guardians and friends of the School to support in helping transform the educational experience. This can be achieved by providing life-changing opportunities to the bursary applicants via the JLS Awards Fund, or by further enriching facilities and broadening horizons with exceptional projects through the 1876 Fund.

The JLS Award Fund

John Lyon is strongly committed to the provision of bursary places to widen access for those children who could benefit from the outstanding education on offer at both our Prep and Senior School, but whose families are unable to afford the fees. We invite you to join us in our mission to preserve our rich philanthropic tradition and be a part of transforming a life today. By offering vital support to a local child from a disadvantaged financial background, you can help us achieve our goal of offering places to deserving children with no financial boundaries.

Donate to the JLS Award Fund

The 1876 Fund

The 1876 Fund is a regular giving programme that supports exciting opportunities beyond the standard curriculum and departmental budgets to enrich learning experiences with direct impact to our pupils.

The Fund seeks to enable parents, former parents and Old Lyonians to play a part in the further development of John Lyon by supporting significant projects which will enhance the education experience of our students. Your generous contributions have provided the School with STEAM projects such as VEX robotics, the building of a Greenpower car, new Sports equipment including a 360 camera and electronic scoreboard, and so much more.

Donate to the 1876 Fund

The Eyden Fund

The (Agnes) Eyden Fund supports initiatives beyond the standard curriculum and budgets, enriching the learning experiences through social and fundraising events, organised by Prep School parent/guardian volunteers. Contributions so far have provided the School with a outdoor equipment including a climbing wall, gazebo for storage and so much more has been planned.

Donate to the Eyden Fund

Thank you to all of our generous donors, who are consistently giving back to the School community and future.

John Lyon School was borne of the gift of John and Joan Lyon in 1572, with their generosity, both financial and persistent hard work, the benefit of the education of local children remains awe-inspiring. The School owes a debt of gratitude to those founding people but also to the many benefactors – Old Lyonians, parents, staff and friends of the School – who have given so much over the last 148 years plus and continue to do so.

To donate to the JLS Award Fund, The 1876 Fund or The Eyden Fund, please complete the online donation form and remember to tick gift aid to boost the value of your donation, through no extra cost to you. If you would like to support us in other ways, and would like to discuss your gift ideas, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Please email [email protected]

Thank you for your generous support.