Sixth Form Curriculum

The Sixth Form journey revolves around the Goldhawk Diploma, giving expression to our belief in an all-round education. Our focus in the Diploma on Leadership and Community, Academic Enrichment, Life Skills, Careers Development and Extra-Curricular involvement highlights this. Taken alongside their core academic studies, the Diploma provides a focus for students’ personal development, helping them to develop the personal skills necessary to live a fulfilling and successful life. As students undertake the Diploma, our School Values guide them in reflecting on areas for personal growth.

Academic Excellence

The heart of the Goldhawk Diploma is rightly A-Level study. All the elements of the Diploma support academic achievement, as it is our experience that students who commit to all the Sixth Form has to offer are also the students who succeed most highly at A-Level. 

Recognising the considerable step up between GCSEs and A-Levels, students are supported to successfully make the transition by our academic departments and the Sixth Form. Sixth Form tutors guide students through an induction programme developing the study skills and habits required at A-Level. Throughout their journey, students are encouraged to enhance their study and revision skills through the tutor programme as they approach higher education.


Students select three subjects to study at A-Level. They are encouraged to focus on the subjects in which they achieved the highest (I)GCSE grades, while also giving the option to study Sixth Form only subjects that may complement their skills, for example an A-Level in Economics for a student who shows strength in Mathematics. 

Those who attain at the highest levels throughout Year 11 may wish to apply to study certain subjects as a fourth A-Level, following discussion and with the approval of the Head of Sixth Form. 

In the summer term of the Lower Sixth, students sit formal internal examinations, our university prediction examinations, to assess their progress and help form the basis for predicted grades for university applications.  

Sixth Form Options
English Literature Mathematics Further Mathematics
Biology Chemistry Physics
Geography History Philosophy
Business Psychology Computer Science
Latin French Spanish
Art Drama and Theatre Music
Classical Greek Politics Economics
Music Technology Classical Civilisation


Discover your A-Level options at John Lyon


Academic Enrichment

Students can enhance their academic skills through participation in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), our study skills course, our Excellence and Oxbridge Programmes or our School Hiley Research Project (HRP). The Project is an internally assessed award, requiring students to complete units on Science/Maths and the Humanities/Arts, providing breadth of understanding.

Students are also encouraged and supported to take the STEM CREST Award, Maths Challenges, and the Chemistry Olympiad to name but a few. Sixth Formers are also encouraged to participate in our student-led Academic Society where students present on topics of their own interest in front of their peers and teachers, to attend our JLx sessions and to undertake Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Our students therefore leave us as independent, self-motivated and curious learners.