
13 February 2020

Year 7 Paris trip departs with a special ‘bon voyage’ from Lower Sixth language students

A mainstay of the John Lyon School diary for many years, the February half term Paris trip has set sail once again, with Year 7s having been given a taste of what to expect by Lower Sixth French students.

Pupils from all three Year 7 form groups left John Lyon on the morning of Thursday 13th February for the three-night trip to the French capital via road and ferry, with a full programme of tourist and cultural hot spots on the agenda, including the Sacré-Cœur Basilica at Montmartre, the Musée d’Orsay, a Bateaux Mouches trip down the River Seine and a visit to a popular French restaurant. The final day will give some more modern culture, with a visit to  Disneyland Paris.

Before they departed, the School’s youngest pupils were given an insight into the history of Paris – from its Celtic and Roman roots through to the present day, via revolution, Napoleon and WW2, as well as what key sites they should keep an eye out for – by A-Level students who have themselves been studying French heritage as part of their course.

Having given a presentation alongside Nicholas Berezovsky and Amman Budheo, Daniel Wong said: “We have been studying the topic of Le Patrimoine (heritage) and its impeortance in France and other Francophone countries. As part of our course we had to produce a presentation about Paris and its rich heritage. We initially performed the presentations in French to each other and then adapted the talks for delivery to the Year 7 French classes, covering different aspects of Paris such as its history, museums and landmarks. It was a good experience and beneficial to us language students as well as the Year 7 boys going to Paris.We hope they found our presentations informative and helpful and wish them an enjoyable Paris trip.”